Wednesday, October 31, 2012

COTM: Gluten Free Mint Chocolate Cupcake

So cupcake of the month this month is a really pretty cupcake. I used green tea to color the icing. I'm not liking the color, but I have other things up my sleeve.

I also have a new flour mix. I was doing cookies from Gluten Free Goddess Here And she used Sorghum, Almond, and Potato. Well Normally I do my dry ingredients and set them aside. I loved how this looked in the bowl. Got me thinking could this be used as a flour mix? So I did up a batch of 1 Cup Sorghum, 3/4 Cup Potato, and 1/2 Cup Almond Meal (I'm way too cheap for Almond Flour). I went through that batch and really liked my results. So I went out and bought a 25 pound bag of Potato Starch and made up two more batches. I'm working my way through that right now. I'm really liking the results so far.

Gluten Free (Allergy Free) Mint Chocolate Cupcakes
By Marcie Dingerson

Mix Dry Ingredients and set aside:

1 1/2 Cups All Purpose GF Mix
3/4 Cup Cocoa
1 Cup Sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
3/4 Teaspoon Salt

In the mixer mix together:

1 Cup Pumpkin (2 eggs)
3/4 Cup Butter Milk (coconut milk mixed with cider vinegar set aside for a few minutes)
3 Tablespoons Organic Canola Oil
1 Teaspoon Pure Organic Peppermint Extract
3/4 Cup water

Mix and add in the dry ingredients. Bake in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes.

Icing is a butter cream. I dumped in one cup corn free powdered sugar (Trader Joe's) I added some vanilla, and mint extract, and green tea powder. I mixed, I added enough coconut milk to make it into icing. I then added some more powdered sugar, because apparently I added too much milk. Then I added more powdered sugar and more. I dipped the cupcakes into the icing, and topped with shaved dark chocolate.

GF All Purpose Flour Mix
Gluten Free Goddess

1 Cup Sorghum Flour
3/4 Cup Potato Starch
1/2 Cup Almond Flour (or meal)

PS. I will try and post when I can how I make her cookies allergy free. It's the best Chocolate Chip Cookie Ever. I have been making batch after batch and honestly it looks better then the photo she has up!


Hanunyah said...

Pretty cupcakes, I like how the plate matches them :).

By the way, I saw your goat roll call thing - sorry about the goat that died. But at 14, that's pretty old! We have a lot of goats (we have a dairy). We recently lost a 10 year old doe, but we have a 12 year old doe that's doing pretty good.

Marcie said...

We had one make it to age 16. She would act like a puppy, just a great goat, then one day she laid down, screamed and I had to have a vet put her out of her misery, but until that day she was a spunky thing. Crazy goats. Down to 9 and they are all young so hopefully it will be awhile.