Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Matt's Wild

I have to tell ya I'm sooooooooooo in Love with Matt's Wild Tomato. This one came highly recommended to grow, and that was all I needed. The only thing is, I didn't know it was that small. Because it's smack in the middle of the back yard tomato bed, right smack in the middle of big ole tomatoes.
I have two Matt's Wild in the photo, next to a Bing Tomato, so you can see how small they are.
It's been a hoot, watching all the tomatoes ripen and picking them, and opening them to gather seeds. A Matt's Wild is all seeds. And when I grow it next year, it will go into a pot, so the focus can be on it, verses hunting for it in the middle of a bed of big ole tomatoes. 

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