Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mortgage Challenge

Well its' been a day here. After lots of going back and fourth with Mortgage guy. Mortgage guy back and fourth with appraiser guy. And we are just not going to get the appraised number we need to move forward right now. We've had a rush of short sales in the area, which has tanked our market in my area. Lovely. So we decided to wait 3 months and look at comps and maybe try it again?

So before I got off the phone with him, I was logged in paying my payment. I am never late and was very close to being late, thinking we should be closing this week? Although the appraiser took well over a week to get his report in. 

So next week we will, start back up on the weekly payments again. And when we talk again we should be in the 111k range.

So nice to have that stress for now off of us. Now to dive into Christmas stress. We have a lot going on between now and the end of the year. After the new year we have a garden. And here I am still harvesting.ARRRRRRRRRR

Current mortgage at 115,000

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