Sunday, February 5, 2012

The New Fence

Pictures are not great...BUT...You get the picture...Get it you get the picture. We took a fence along the back of our property. Giving us about 20-25 feet more of growing space. We will put 5 more trees back there. One reason the rush was on, we will be getting the trees soon. Goats like to eat trees.

This is on the inside of the fence these beds are over 30 feet long. These are Cherry Trees. I should get Cherries this year.

This is a LOT of extra room.

These are pear trees I think I will be doing a blueberry patch here as well. Need to think on that. My Raspberry bed is here also.

My new double gate. Pretty.

So this was done in one day...Still have clean up to do. Need to go back and add is some missing screws and make sure everything is buckled down. We will work on that over the week. But latches are on and goats have not snuck through yet. 


emaegf said...

Hold it! Didn't you just get 2 + feet of snow dumped on you? Where did it go?

Marcie said...

That was so two weeks ago. We just had a week of 50 degree sunny weather. Now back to the rain. Still have lots of clean up and there are still piles of snow here and there.