Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Weekly Update & Mortgage Challenge

Another crazy week under our belts. Ethan finished up English 3 FINALLY. Gave him a break until Monday and then full force into English 4. Now that we have a schedule, and so far sticking to it, he should be done with English 4 by the end of our school year. And brace yourselves, Cole will be done with second grade math before our Christmas break.

So never, ever, ever show your child Pinterest. OMG. Ethan and I talking about what he wants to make for Christmas and of course I saw all these ideas, why don't you look at them. It was all I could do to rip that child away and get him back to school work. My felt stash is really low, so we will go this weekend and get a few yards to bulk it up and then get busy. 

I have started a new stitching project. It's free hand, which I'm LOVING. I've had this idea brewing so nice to get it out. I just don't know yet if it will be a wall hanging on it's own, or part of a quilt.

Other then that, just a lot of doing. Trying to get projects done, and other projects started. Ethan reminded me today just 37 days until Christmas. After my breathing attack, we started to make plans. But after Christmas, we have planting season. ARRRRRRRR Time is just flying so fast right now. Just awaiting the first of the seed books to start rolling in. We are adding Pineberries, they went on a deep sale and I jumped. I wanted them last year, but refused to pay that price. I all ready have plans on where to put them. So exciting. Pineberries are white strawberries, that taste like Pineapple.

On the Mortgage Front, throwing every dollar we can at the Mortgage to be at 110k before we try the re-fi again. Math wise I don't see us being there. But I'm going to give it my all, because the less we re-fi the less the payment, and we were all ready looking good with the last re-fi, this will just make everything better. Sitting at 114,380. Racking my brain to scrap up 380, but just can't do it. Keep hoping something will come up to get us into the 113's and then the 112's. Oh well, looking good right now, just need to keep on track. 

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