Wednesday, April 18, 2012

6 New Babies And Breaking Carrot News

First breaking carrot news. We skipped school today and stayed home to work in the garden. Since my back is not doing well I was doing light things around the garden. When I spotted this. What is this you ask? Little baby carrots.

Ethan accidentally grow a carrot in his bed last year, and he never picked it, it grow to be really big. Then we read up on how to bring them to seed. Well needless the say the carrot finally seeded, and we have little babies everywhere.

So today became the day to pull the carrot.

After a bunch of pulling it was out.

And yes it's really tall.

Next up, I got 6 new babies. I ordered these from the only place on the web I could find that sells caraway thyme, but you have to order in sets of 6. So I ordered 6 different things.

Creeping Marjoram

Apple Mint

Pink Lemonade Thyme

Italian Oregano Thyme

Orange Blossom Thyme

Caraway Thyme

I also have some Kentucky Mint. I planted garlic today. We now have two beds of garlic. YEAH. We are really close to having all the new beds in. So it's getting exciting around here. The green house is full of green. Things sprouting everywhere. I picked baby raspberries today and started to fill the new raspberry bed out front.

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