A little background on me and my family. I do plan on one day writing a book about our adventure into the gluten free world. But for now just a little background. I will post the full story down the road.
It was a dark and stormy night...Ok joking...My son at age two received he's shots. He went into seizure shortly after that day. He then had three seizures in three months until in the ER yet again I begged the doctor for antibiotics. He finally said yes and after that no more big seizures that sent us to the hospital. But after finishing off the antibiotics my son Ethan went into hyper mood. Complete and total hyper mood. I would ask he's doctor and get the same thing the doctor wanted to prescribe adhd drugs. I kept saying no. During these two years the doctor did put my son on reflux drugs. After a year on those I asked the doctor if we could take Ethan off of them. He said no but sent him in for a scope.
So went in to see the GI doctor who scopped my son. After the scope she uped the reflux medicine but did not say anything else. I did not fill that prescription. Right after the scope my son went into hyper, hyper, hyper mood. To the point I nearly lost any sanity I had. He would not sleep, eat, he would run around for hours screaming and yelling. He was down to a few words the rest was screaming. So two months after the scope, I had, had enough. I put Ethan to bed and sat down at the computer to look into adhd drugs. After reading about those I had to say no. I was desprate so I googled natural adhd and came across Celiac Disease. It fit my son. It fit him so well. Everything they mentioned that was him. I was shocked. I googled until 2am about the gluten free diet and how it helps with adhd. Totally shocked why would he doctor not mention anything about this? (Well I know now) I got up bright and early in the morning and called Ethan's GI doctor. I got the nurse and what she said changed our lives. She read the doctors notes the notes said Ethan has Celiac. The nurse went looking for the blood test, I was not told because the blood test came back negative? Are you joking me I asked? No the nurse said, sorry.
After hearing that I was dumbfounded. I quickly realized I had been lied to by many doctors on this road. We went through 2 years of hexx with a very hyper non sleeping kid. A child I could not control. We went gluten free. OH MY GOD the difference. He slept for the first time in two years I put my child to bed at 8pm and by 8:05 he was out. ARE YOU JOKING ME? Next dairy free. OH MY GOD the difference. He started talking. Using real words and so many of them. To this day he never shuts up. He started pooping by himself you don't know this joy until you have sat with your child for hours on end in the bathroom holding he's hand. We no longer do this. Now that is joy, so worth the diet alone.
So after all my research because I now have quiet nights. We are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, corn syrup free, food dyes free, and now mushroom free. We are almost phenol free just can't see taking away fruit, but it's gone for the moment. We are on a list of supplements. My son Ethan also has hyperthyroid or graves disease. Which we are so far successfully treating with supplements we are under a doctors care so don't worry there.
Infact since getting into a yelling match with Ethan's old doctor we have found the greatest natural doctor. We also got Ethan a new pediatrician, and a few other doctors I now have a great team in place for my son. It is so amazing the progress he has made. He has put on 10 pounds and grown many inches since starting the diet in Sept of '07. I sware he grows daily. He now eats like a pig. He just amazes me.
As for the diet it's a whole family diet. And we feel great. Except hubby who has utterly refused to give up all wheat. He goes in for a scope in Dec of '08 because he's been told he has Celiac? Funny uh? I said he can eat gluten until the scope and then he's being cut off as well.
I help many off and on line with the diet. I also work in Real Estate where many weeks I work 60 plus hours 8 day week. We have countless animals including 6 goats, 5 of which we took in after the flooding of '07.
3 kids Ethan 5, Tucker soon to be 4 can't wait, he has he's party all planned out, Cole nearly two.
So I'm using the blog to keep up with friends and family. Also to keep track of things as I go. I will be posting some great gf recipes as I go and posting photos of my goofy kids. The same kids that had fudge pops for breakfast today. Don't ask?
So now life is good, it's busy and good. All because I changed my son's diet. Who know life could be this good?